
Fit and the Conniptions pull no punches, take no prisoners, hold no bars, suffer no fools and need no introduction. Led by bassist and songwriter Wayne Myers, né guitarist and songwriter Wayne Myers, they have been knocking around the more interesting corners of London eclectica since 2006. Now four albums in, their sound has evolved from the solo lo-fi project of Bless Your Heart, through the bluesy folk-rock period of Sleeping Beauty and Sweet Sister Starlight, to the unashamedly guitar-free anti-folk-punk bass / drums / fiddle / banjo trio of the latest release, Old Blue Witch.

Frankly we’re not sure what they’re going to do next either, though it’s unlikely to involve touring much any time soon, what with Brexit and COVID-19.

But whatever it is, you’ll find it here.

Bookings / Contact

Email fit at conniptions dot org


Old Blue Witch, the fourth FatC album, was released in summer 2017.

Previous album releases:

All releases are available to download or buy on CD from Bandcamp.
